Course Schedule
Please click here for a printable list of the current semester’s course offerings
ENGL 510 – Teaching of Composition
Theory and practice of teaching writing in secondary schools and colleges. Graduate-level requirements include a special topics paper.
Theory and practice of teaching writing in secondary schools and colleges. Graduate-level requirements include a special topics paper.
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- Section: 001
- Instructor: Mapes, Aimee C
- Days: TuTh
- Time: 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM
- Dates: Jan 10 - May 1
- Status: Open
- Enrollment: 6 / 15
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- Section: 001
- Instructor: Mapes, Aimee C
- Days: TuTh
- Time: 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM
- Dates: Jan 10 - May 1
- Status: Open
- Enrollment: 6 / 15
- +
- Section: 001
- Instructor: Mapes, Aimee C
- Days: TuTh
- Time: 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM
- Dates: Jan 10 - May 1
- Status: Open
- Enrollment: 6 / 15
LING 510 – Foundations of Phonological Theory I
Investigation of the principles that underlie current phonological theory, concentrating on the representation of sounds and the regular patterns of sound in natural language. Topics include distinctive feature theory, syllable theory, the core skeleton, rule formulation and rule interactions. Graduate-level requirements include a greater number of problems.
Investigation of the principles that underlie current phonological theory, concentrating on the representation of sounds and the regular patterns of sound in natural language. Topics include distinctive feature theory, syllable theory, the core skeleton, rule formulation and rule interactions. Graduate-level requirements include a greater number of problems.
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- Section: 001
- Instructor: Wedel, Andrew
- Days: TuTh
- Time: 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM
- Dates: Aug 26 - Dec 11
- Status: Open
- Enrollment: 0 / 20
- +
- Section: 001
- Instructor: Wedel, Andrew
- Days: TuTh
- Time: 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM
- Dates: Aug 26 - Dec 11
- Status: Open
- Enrollment: 0 / 20
- +
- Section: 001
- Instructor: Wedel, Andrew
- Days: TuTh
- Time: 02:00 PM - 03:15 PM
- Dates: Aug 26 - Dec 11
- Status: Open
- Enrollment: 0 / 20
LING 510 – Foundations of Phonological Theory I
Investigation of the principles that underlie current phonological theory, concentrating on the representation of sounds and the regular patterns of sound in natural language. Topics include distinctive feature theory, syllable theory, the core skeleton, rule formulation and rule interactions. Graduate-level requirements include a greater number of problems.
Investigation of the principles that underlie current phonological theory, concentrating on the representation of sounds and the regular patterns of sound in natural language. Topics include distinctive feature theory, syllable theory, the core skeleton, rule formulation and rule interactions. Graduate-level requirements include a greater number of problems.
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- Section: 001
- Instructor: Ussishkin, Adam
- Days: TuTh
- Time: 09:30 AM - 10:45 AM
- Dates: Aug 25 - Dec 10
- Status: Open
- Enrollment: 0 / 20