
Currently Teaching
INFO 521 – Introduction to Machine Learning
Machine learning describes the development of algorithms which can modify their internal parameters (i.e., "learn") to recognize patterns and make decisions based on example data. These examples can be provided by a human, or they can be gathered automatically as part of the learning algorithm itself. This course will introduce the fundamentals of machine learning, will describe how to implement several practical methods for pattern recognition, feature selection, clustering, and decision making for reward maximization, and will provide a foundation for the development of new machine learning algorithms.
Machine learning describes the development of algorithms which can modify their internal parameters (i.e., "learn") to recognize patterns and make decisions based on example data. These examples can be provided by a human, or they can be gathered automatically as part of the learning algorithm itself. This course will introduce the fundamentals of machine learning, will describe how to implement several practical methods for pattern recognition, feature selection, clustering, and decision making for reward maximization, and will provide a foundation for the development of new machine learning algorithms.
INFO 555 – Applied Natural Language Processing
Most of the data available on the web or managed by institutions and businesses consists of unstructured text. Natural language processing tools help to organize such texts, extract relevant information from them, and automatize time-consuming processes. This course will teach the fundamental knowledge necessary to design and develop end-to-end natural language understanding applications, drawn from examples such as question answering, sentiment analysis, information extraction, automated inference, machine translation, chatbots, etc. We will use several natural language processing toolkits and libraries.
Most of the data available on the web or managed by institutions and businesses consists of unstructured text. Natural language processing tools help to organize such texts, extract relevant information from them, and automatize time-consuming processes. This course will teach the fundamental knowledge necessary to design and develop end-to-end natural language understanding applications, drawn from examples such as question answering, sentiment analysis, information extraction, automated inference, machine translation, chatbots, etc. We will use several natural language processing toolkits and libraries.
Most of the data available on the web or managed by institutions and businesses consists of unstructured text. Natural language processing tools help to organize such texts, extract relevant information from them, and automatize time-consuming processes. This course will teach the fundamental knowledge necessary to design and develop end-to-end natural language understanding applications, drawn from examples such as question answering, sentiment analysis, information extraction, automated inference, machine translation, chatbots, etc. We will use several natural language processing toolkits and libraries.