
(520) 621-6156
Modern Languages 475
Reinhardt, Jonathon

Home Department: English

Program Director of the EAL Program in the English Department

SLAT Areas of Specialization: Instructional Dimensions of L2 Learning, Sociocultural Dimensions of L2 Learning, Technology in Second Language Teaching Minor/Certificate

Jon Reinhardt teaches courses for English undergraduate, MATESL graduate, and SLAT PhD graduate students, primarily focused on teaching languages with technology, sociolinguistics, and teaching English as a foreign language. His research interests lie in the relationship between technological change and the theory and practice of technology-enhanced second and foreign language pedagogy, especially with emergent technologies like social media and digital gaming. He sits on the editorial boards of CALICO Journal and Language Learning and Technology, for which he serves also as Book Review Editor. He served as President of the Computer Assisted Language Instructional Consortium (CALICO) (2019-2020). 

Area of Specialization
Instructional dimensions of L2 learning
Socio-cultural dimensions of L2 Learning
Technology in Second Language Teaching (minor)

Currently Teaching

ENGL 589 – Internet Technologies in Second/Foreign Language Education

This course explores the theory, practice, and pedagogical application of the latest Internet and communication technologies in second/foreign language education, situated in view of the latest CALL (computer-assisted language learning), CMC (computer-mediated communication), SLA (second language acquisition and development), and applied/educational linguistics research. These technologies include, but are not limited to, synchronous and asynchronous chat, blogs, wikis and collaborative documents, audio (podcasting), video, virtual world/digital gaming, mobile/handheld computing, and social networking tools and sites.

This course explores the theory, practice, and pedagogical application of the latest Internet and communication technologies in second/foreign language education, situated in view of the latest CALL (computer-assisted language learning), CMC (computer-mediated communication), SLA (second language acquisition and development), and applied/educational linguistics research. These technologies include, but are not limited to, synchronous and asynchronous chat, blogs, wikis and collaborative documents, audio (podcasting), video, virtual world/digital gaming, mobile/handheld computing, and social networking tools and sites.

This course explores the theory, practice, and pedagogical application of the latest Internet and communication technologies in second/foreign language education, situated in view of the latest CALL (computer-assisted language learning), CMC (computer-mediated communication), SLA (second language acquisition and development), and applied/educational linguistics research. These technologies include, but are not limited to, synchronous and asynchronous chat, blogs, wikis and collaborative documents, audio (podcasting), video, virtual world/digital gaming, mobile/handheld computing, and social networking tools and sites.

SLAT 699 – Independent Study

Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work. Graduate students doing independent work which cannot be classified as actual research will register for credit under course number 699 or 799.

Qualified students working on an individual basis with professors who have agreed to supervise such work. Graduate students doing independent work which cannot be classified as actual research will register for credit under course number 699 or 799.

SLAT 920 – Dissertation

Research for the doctoral dissertation (whether library research, laboratory or field observation or research, artistic creation, or dissertation writing).

Research for the doctoral dissertation (whether library research, laboratory or field observation or research, artistic creation, or dissertation writing).