Dr. Kimberly Jones, Dr. Beatrice Dupuy, Dr. Chantelle Warner, Dr. Julieta Fernandez, Minda Dettman
Panelists: Dr. Kimberly Jones (University of Arizona), Dr. Beatrice Dupuy (University of Arizona), Dr. Chantelle Warner, Dr. Julieta Fernandez (University of Arizona) Minda Dettman (University of Arizona)
Moderator: Amable Custodio Ribeiro
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Panelist Bios
Dr. Beatrice Dupuy is a Professor of French, Public and Applied Humanities, and Second Language Acquisition and Teaching at the University of Arizona. She directs the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy, a language resource center funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Her scholarship focuses on multiliteracies and multimodality in language education and language educator professional learning.
Dr. Kimberly Jones (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a Professor of East Asian Studies and past Vice Dean of the College of Humanities (2008-2023), and affiliated faculty with the SLAT program. Since 2022, she has been Co-Director of the Department of Defense-funded University of Arizona Language Training Center. A sociolinguist who specializes in both second language acquisition and teaching and Japanese sociolinguistics, she is particularly interested in how the analysis of naturally occurring talk can inform language pedagogy, and in children's language acquisition, attrition, and code-switching.
Dr. Chantelle Warner is Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs in the College of Humanities at the University of Arizona, where she is also a Professor of German Studies and a faculty affiliate of the SLAT PhD program. Between 2014 and 2024, she served as Co-Director of the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL), a National Language Resource Center supported by the U.S. Department of Education's Title VI Program.
Dr. Julieta Fernández is an Associate Professor in the Spanish & Portuguese Department and a faculty member in the SLAT PhD program. Her research seeks to advance our understanding of second language teaching and learning in the at-home and study abroad (SA) contexts, with a special focus on pragmatics. Professor Fernández runs the Tucson Applied Linguistics Lab with the help of a Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Seed Grant. She and a group of SLAT colleagues were also recently awarded a CUES Spanning Boundaries Challenge Grant for the collaborative project "A linguistically responsive Teaching Assistant training model". And funded by a CERCLL grant, she is co-editing an introduction to contemporary topics in applied linguistics for language educators, which is an open educational resource book designed for in-service teachers.
Minda Dettman is the Research and Award Coordinator in the College of Humanities. They plan and implement workshops on grant-getting and help colleagues navigate the grant application process.