Antiracist and Decolonial Engagement in Language Studies: Research and Praxis
SLAT’s last colloquium of the semester is coming up! Dr. Ryuko Kubota (University of British Columbia) will be giving a talk titled “Antiracist and Decolonial Engagement in Language Studies: Research and Praxis”, scheduled for Friday, April 14th, 4:00 – 5:00 pm (Arizona time) via Zoom. We’re happy to share that this colloquium is co-sponsored by the Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) at the University of Arizona.
Dr. Kubota is a Professor in the Department of Language and Literacy Education in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Her research focuses on race, ideologies, and power in language education. Her publications include Race, culture, and identities in second language education: Exploring critically engaged practice (co-edited, 2009) and Discourses of identity: Language learning, teaching, and reclamation perspectives in Japan (co-edited, 2023). She has also published in such journals as Applied Linguistics, Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, Foreign Language Annals, Journal of Second Language Writing, and TESOL Quarterly. Many of her publications also appear in Japanese.
To read the abstract of Dr. Kubota’s colloquium, please see the attached flyer.
Please register in advance of the colloquium by filling out this form: After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link for the colloquium.
We look forward to seeing you on April 14th at 4:00 pm!